Welcome to Promises Rehabilitation
Stronger Together
At Promises, we realize that recovery has no time limit. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process, and we believe that each person recovers at his or her own pace. Unlike a limited stay rehab facility, Promises offers one on one and group recovery meetings where we do not just teach how to recover, we show residents we do recover.
Our Services
Proven Peer Counseling
At Promises Rehabilitation, we offer the unparalleled and proven method of recovery, one addict helping another. We have found that one addict, in recovery, can best understand and help another addict. We have also found that continued contact with other addicts, further along the path of recovery, is the key to a lasting and happy recovery.
Reintegration Consultations
Promises Rehabilitation is much more than a residence for recovering individuals. We believe that giving residents the tools they need, in a real world environment, helps pave the way for their long-lasting, healthy recovery.
Career Sessions
At Promises Rehabilitation, we believe that everybody deserves a fresh start. Our Career Sessions offer a safe space for residents to plan the next steps in their healing process. Get in touch with our team to learn more.
“Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.”